My sister, Chris, lived in Seattle many years ago. I had visited the beautiful state of Washington twice. We both had wanted to return to the Seattle area for a long time, so when Chris's friends, Barney and Mary, who live in a suburb of Seattle, invited us to stay with them for a week, we jumped at the chance to go there on our annual "sister trip". We boarded the plane with great anticipation. I don't fly often so seeing our planet from the air was a treat. We played Hand and Foot during our three-hour layover in Denver, and arrived at Sea Tac on time at 5:30. After a few frustrating glitches getting our rental car (comical in retrospect) we were on our way to our adventure. We opted for a GPS system, and fell in love with it immediately when it took us straight to our hosts' home where a delicious Salmon dinner awaited. We stayed up late talking, giggling, and playing a new card game called Quiddlers.
Click here or the links below to see some of what we saw through our eyes. See a larger version of any image in this website by clicking on it.