Recipes from our Fourth Day
Green Chili Chicken Soup
Diced red pepper
Diced onions
Green chilies (can)
chicken broth
Rice (very small amount)
Thinly sliced chicken breast
Diced cilantro, diced avocado, and wedge of lime to add when serving
Cook chicken ahead of time and let cool. When cool, slice thin and set aside. Sautè onions and red peppers. Add Green Chilies, Chicken broth and very small amount of rice. Cook till rice is done. Add sliced Chicken. Continue cooking until the chicken has had time to reach the temperature of the soup. Just before serving, add diced cilantro, diced avocado, and wedge of lime.
Oriental Green Salad
Wash and air dry Romaine Lettuce (sliced)
1 can of mandarin oranges drained
Several sliced Strawberries
½ tsp sesame seeds
1 TBSP sliced almonds (toasted or glazed)
1 TBSP diced cilantro
Dress salad with:
1 to 2 TBSP cooking oil
1 to 2 TBSP lemon juice
2 to 3 packets of Equal
top with crispy wonton strips

Cherry Dessert
We made a pie crust with sugar and cinnamon, broke it into pieces, spooned on some delicious cherry pie filling that Erik had brought, topped with vanilla ice cream and almonds. Recipes for the crust and almonds below. Yummy!
The Crust
1 cup flour
1/3 cup Crisco
cut the Crisco into the flour and add
2 TBSP cold water
Roll out, then sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon
Bake at 400° until golden around the edges.
Sugar glazed Almonds
Put a couple TBSP sugar in a small heavy skillet, add a handful of nuts and turn on the fire. Stir constantly and quickly as the sugar melts and coats the nuts. Remove from heat and turn out on a plate before the nuts burn. After they are cool, break apart, and scatter on dessert or salads.