NOVEMBER 11, 2011
The meeting of the Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs, Inc. was called to order a 10:07 am at the
Will Rogers Garden Center, by President Donny Murray, with the Pledge to the Flag and the Gardner's Creed.
June hardy introduced Mr. Raymond Hicks who informed the group that the Judges Council can no longer sponsor the garden show held in conjunction with festival in the park. The American Rose Society would like to take over as sponsor of the show. It would be an ARS sanctioned show with judging and rules. There will be a list of categories. The show would be May 19, 2012, the weekend of the Festival.
Donny introduced Allen Storjohann, the guest speaker who gave a program and slide show on the Role of Botanical Gardens in the Community.
The Apogon Garden Club was thanked for Hosting the meeting.
The Minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer Marilyn Lahr reported a balance of $6616.10 as of November. The plant sale grossed $446.45 and the total expenses were $186.33 leaving a net gain of 280.12
Standing Committees- No report
New Business -None
June Hardy reported the Christmas Tree event will be December 10 from 1 to 3 PM and open to the public. Each club is requested to have a table and serve refreshments.
Golda Hines recommended December 8 as the day to make additional decorations. The motion failed
Vivian Stewart made a motion that additional decorations be made and the tree decorated after the Council Meeting on December 9. The motion carried.
Vivian Stewart is again in charge of the children's work shop and asked the members to save objects that can be recycled in to decorations.
Sharon Burton will furnish the music.
Betty McMartin informed the group the Blind Garden at 18th and Lincoln is asking people to help plant over 1000 bulbs on November 12.
There being no further business, door prizes were given the the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 AM
Respectfully submitted
Tis Bohlman, Secretary