Late Bloomers are the Council Hostess in January
September Carefree Rose Unit
October Herb Society
November Apogon Iris Unit
December Viola Unit
January Late Bloomers Unit
February Garden Party Rose Unit
March Amaryllis Unit
April Hemerocallis Society
May Oklahoma Iris Society
*Also remember, all clubs participate in the Pot Luck Luncheon in May.
Here is a list of responsibilities for hostesses:
- Prepare coffee and other beverages of your choice (e.g. water, juice). You may use the urns or the coffee makers.
- "Breakfast" foods of your choice (plan on about 30 - 40 people)
- Centerpiece (floral design) for buffet table, tablecloth is recommended but not required
- Plates, cups & napkins (you can use the glass plates & cups in kitchen if you choose)
- Name tags
- Set up card table at front door with guest book, door prize tickets, basket for drawing, pen, and agenda (provided by President). If you do not know where these materials are located, please ask Pat Miller.
- Please have one or two of your members seated at the table to greet everyone when arriving, have them sign the guest book, give them the tickets, and remind them to sign the agenda if necessary.
- Set up chairs in Room 1 - usually start with 3 rows with a center aisle
- Refreshments must begin serving at 9:30! You may begin preparing after the Center opens at 8:00 a.m. We recommend you begin preparing by at least 9:00 a.m. so that the coffee will be ready.
- We need to furnish about 3 door prizes, and don't forget to assign someone to draw for the door prizes at the end of the meeting.
- You are also responsible for cleaning up after the meeting!
Please let our Council Liaison know if you have any questions. THANKS!