FEBRUARY 10, 2012
The meeting of the Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs, Inc. was cajoled to order at 10:10 am at the Will Rogers Garden Center at 10:10 am.
President Donnie Murray led the group in the Pledge Challenging of the Flag and the Gardner's Creed
Rick Pierce of Redbrick Farm and Gardens, in Norman, presented a program on new Day Lilies.
Hostessess from Garden Party Rose were Thanked.
Guests Claire Bishop and Judy Grotts, SC Regional Representative, were introduced.
The minutes were approved as read.
Marilyn Lahr reported the Balance as of December 1 was $6185. 62. See Attached report. The report was filed for audit.
Officers Reports:
Marilyn reported Jane Calder has graciously accepted the 1st Vice Presidency vacated by Glynda Johnson. Her email address mimi.cldr@gmail.com.
Tis Bohlman read a letter of resignation from Legacy Garden Chairman Marianna Anderson.
April Pratt noted that Marianna has done a heroic job with the Legacy Garden and will be greatly missed. She also announced the TLC will not be a sponsor of the Festival in the Park. This was one of the unattended consequences of having it early this year.
Committee reports:
New Business:
Pat Murrell made a motion that the individual Clubs and Societies take one month a year to take care of the Legacy Garden. The motion passed. A copy of the minutes will be sent to each club and society to see if they would like to participate and if so what month they would like to work.
Donnie reminded everyone of the NC District meeting in Ponca City the registration fee of $5.00 includes the tour and meal. There will be a bus leaving from Will Rogers Park at a cost of $25.50 per person. The bus will carry about 44 people.
Pat Murrell notified every one of the State Convention in Alva, OK, April 10 - 11. Registration is $80.00.
Rick Pierce announced the Central Oklahoma Hemerocallis Society meeting tomorrow Saturday 12:00pm is a covered dish and all are invited.
George Vclavek announced the Horticulture Society meets every 4th Tuesday in the Horticulture Building on the OSU-OKC campus. This months will be given by Steve Owens on his Argentina Experience.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned after door prizes were given out.
Respectfully Submitted
Tis Bohlman, Secretary