Minutes October 2015
Minutes September 2015
Minutes August 2015
Minutes July 2015
Meeting Minutes - July 21, 2015
Attendees: Nedra, Jackie, Sonny, Cheryl, Vonnie and her friend, Bonnie, Rita, Chris, Ivy, Janice, Alice S, Alice W, and guest, Judith.
Location: Will Roger’s Garden Club Exhibition Building
Business meeting: In the absence of all of our new officers except the new treasurer, Nedra presided over the meeting.
1. May and June minutes were distributed. One item in May’s minutes was discussed regarding the payment of May’s rent on the meeting room. Chris, the previous treasurer indicated that she’d received no paperwork and it had not been paid to her knowledge. Nedra, the new treasurer said she would find out from the office if it had been paid and arrange for payment to be made ASAP if it is still owed. Because our new president, Sandy, has been quite ill, the transfer has not yet been made at the bank, so Nedra is unable to write checks at this time. The minutes for both months were eventually approved.
2. Cheryl brought $10.00 for framed pictures leftover from the garden sale that she sold at a garage sale for the club.
3. Some discussion was made of the new ruling that rooms at Will Rogers must be spoken for and paid for 14 months ahead of time in the future.
4. Our sunshine chairmen, Nedra, who wore several hats at the meeting, reported on some of our members who are ill. Prayers were requested on behalf of a good number of our members and gardening friends who are dealing with serious situations.
5. It was announced that remodeling of the Will Rogers building will begin in September of 2016. Clubs who meet there may be temporarily relocated for the months of construction.
The business meeting was adjourned at something around 1:00 PM
Program: Members brought photographs of their 2015 gardens, some in albums, some on laptops and iPhone, and in a very informal way, we looked at each others pictures.
Minutes June 2015
Minutes May 2015
Minutes April 2015
Minutes March 2015
Minutes February 2015
Minutes January 2015
Minutes November 2014
Minutes October 2014
Minutes September 2014
Minutes August 2014
Minutes July 2014
Meeting Minutes - July 15, 2014
Location: Will Rogers Garden Center
Attendees: Alice S, Alice W, Ann, Cheryl, Chris, Earlene, Golda, Janice, Ivy, Marilyn, Mary, Sue, Vonnie, and our guest Monica Arndt
Program: An entertaining program was brought by Monica Arndt on Medicinal Herbs. She brought a large number of plants for door prizes.
Meeting minutes:
1. We began our business meeting at 1:35
2. It was announced that the Garden Festival next year will be May 23, 2015
3.Minutes of the last meeting were distributed among members. They were approved with no corrections
4. Our hostesses, Marilyn Lahr and Ann Waddell, were thanked for their efforts.
5. Our treasurer, Chris Duffy, reported a balance of $2,139.98. She also told us that a few small sized gloves were still available.
6. July Birthdays were recognized. Chris Duffy and Janice Timmie. Other July birthdays of members not in attendance: Barbara Erickson and Jean Calder
7. Janice Timmie reminded us that we need to be wearing garden gloves when we work in the soil, noting a recent news story of a man who contracted a very serious disease from contact with the soil.
8. Alice Steger read a note from Nedra, thanking Late Bloomers for their prayers and support as she recuperates from surgery.
9. Alice Steger read a letter from Andrea in the Will Rogers office outlining the recent changes in policy. HERE IS A LINK TO THE LETTER. The most important item that involves our club is that we need to be more diligent in determining if the room at Will Rogers is going to be needed or not so we can pay the rent in time. If we don't speak for the room for the coming year, and pay the rent before October 2014, it can be rented to anyone else who asks for it. Our president, Alice Steger, is the program chairman, so she is the one to tell if the program for the month you sign up for will be held at Will Rogers.
10. Alice Steger discussed her conversation with April about next year's Festival. The consensus opinion is that most of the problems with the festival this year were due to the changes in the leadership of Will Rogers and the City Parks Department, and not the council. Alice S encouraged our members to get involved and attend council meetings, and especially to help the council with next year's festival. It was also noted that we need a new council liaison for our club, as Marilyn wishes to step aside after several years of excellent service.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 2:10.
Respectfully submitted
Alice Woodrome
subbing for Jean Calder.
Minutes June 2014
Meeting Minutes — June 17, 2014
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Jean, Janice, Golda, Sue, Earlene, Sandy, Ivy, Cheryl, Mary G., Shirley, Vonnie, and Earlene's daughter, Sherlene.
Locations: Garden Tour and Meeting at Sherlene's and Earlene's homes with a stop at Marquette Claybough's garden.
Program: A tour of the lovely and diverse gardens above.
Meeting minutes:
1. The business meeting was held at Earlene's home with a dessert provided by Jean.
2 Jean distributed minutes for the May 2014 meeting. The minutes were approved with no corrections.
3. Chris reported the ending bank balance on June 17, 2014 was $2,104.98. The net profit on the Garden Café was $211.14; the Plant Table, $355.08; yielding a total net profit of $566.22.
4. Marilyn's birthday was recognized for June.
5. Earlene reported a phone conversation with Beverly Gilmore who is recovering from a medical issue. We wish her a speedy recovery.
6. Alice S. asked Shirley about volunteer opportunities for the Wings program. Shirley reported we are not needed at this time.
7. There was a lively discussion of the “pros and cons” of this year's Festival in the Park. Subjects included:
a. What our continued involvement with the Late Bloomers Café would be.
b. Concerns with times allocated for setup of Café and vendor areas.
c. Diminished attendance for this year compared to prior years.
d. Scheduling the Festival to draw more attendees.
8. Alice S. stated she would compose a letter to the Garden Council outlining our concerns and suggestions. She will submit the letter to the Late Bloomers members for review before sending.
9. The scheduled hostesses for the July meeting are Beverly Gilmore and Ann Waddell.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:10 p.m. by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
Minutes May 2014
Meeting Minutes - May 20, 2014
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Jean, Janice, Golda, Sue, Earlene, Jane, guest Dee and Earlene's guest, Vonnie Lombard.
Location: Meeting and luncheon held at Will Rogers Center.
Program: In lieu of a program there was discussion and planning for the upcoming Festival In The Park.
Meeting minutes:
1. Jean Calder distributed minutes for the April 2014 meeting. The minutes were approved with no corrections.
2. Chris reported the ending bank balance on May 20, 2014 was $1,423.76
3. An update on various members' status was given:
a. Marilyn has moved locally.
b. Nedra is home from surgery and is doing well.
c. Sandy's husband was in the hospital at the time of the meeting. (Sadly he passed away a short time
4. Golda and Janice reported there were over 500 attendees at the National Garden Club Convention in Norman.
5. Alice S. mentioned she would follow up with Shirley about potential Late Bloomer involvement in the Wings program.
6. A discussion was held regarding a card versus a plant for someone who has been ill. Jean recalled a previous discussion on this issue.
Note: The following excerpt is from the minutes of August 2013 meeting:
5. Changes to the Late Bloomers Garden Club Bylaws were discussed regarding the "Traditions" section:
a. Number 4 was changed to say, "In the case of a DEATH we would send flowers for a club member, a member's parent, spouse, or child."
b. Number 5 was changed to say, "The 'Sunshine' person appointed by the president will send a card and/or plant according to her judgment."
c. A motion was made to adopt each change. The motions were seconded, and passed.
It was noted at the September 2013 meeting that Alice Woodrome reported making the approved by-law changes on the Late Bloomers website.
7. Discussion of the upcoming Festival In The Park was led by Alice Steger.
a. Jean distributed the Café planning meeting minutes from May 6, 2014.
b. Janice discussed sandwiches - we are purchasing from Homeland. She will pick them up the morning of the Festival.
c. Alice S. discussed getting the inventory items from Sandy.
d. Nedra has the yard signs.
e. Chris will bring two ice chests.
f. Jean is monitoring the sign-up lists on the email and will get the final lists to Alice S. a few days prior to the event.
8. Earlene and her daughter Sherlene will host the Late Bloomers at the June meeting for tours of both of their gardens. Jean is also a co-host. Each member is to bring a brown bag lunch. Dessert and drinks will be provided. The tour will start a Sherlene's home at 11:30AM.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:50 p.m. by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
Minutes April 2014
Meeting Minutes — April 15, 2014
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Jean, Janice, Golda, Sue, Earlene, Ivy, Sandi, Jane, Ann, Mary G., and Jane's guests, Dee Kemp and Pete Holcombe.
Location: Meeting, luncheon and tour at The National Weather Service in Norman, OK hosted by Mary G. and Shirley.
Program: Patrick Hyland, Faculty Staff Representative of the National Weather Service took us on an informative tour of the Center in Norman. He showed us the many tools used by the Weather Service to forecast weather to keep the public informed of pending weather conditions. After our tour we ate lunch at the Weather Service cafe'.
Meeting minutes:
Alice S. presided at a short meeting after our tour:
1. Treasurer's report — None presented at this meeting.
2. Jean Calder distributed minutes for the March 2014 meeting. Several corrections were mad e via email. The corrected minutes were published on the Late Bloomers website.
3. A brief discussion of the Festival in the Park which will be held May 31st was led by Alice S. She informed us that for setup of plants, cafe', etc. will occur between 3 and 7 pm on May 30th.
4. Sign-up lists for the plant table, cafe', and cookies/brownies were passed around. Alice S. asked Jean to monitor and update the sign-up lists as needed. Alice S. informed us that set-up for the festival will be at 7 am and we have one hour between 3 and 4 pm to tear down. A reminder was made to bring flowers from our garden to the Late Bloomers set-up meeting.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:00 p.m. by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
Minutes March 2014
Meeting Minutes – March 18, 2014
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Cheryl, Chris, Jean, Janice, Golda, Sue, Earlene, Ivy, Sandi, Jane, and Beverly. Jane's guest, Dee Kemp, and and Robert Westbrook
Location: Meeting and luncheon at Will Rogers Center hosted by Alice S., Ann, and Janice.
Program: Introduction of the new Naturalist for Will Rogers Park, Robert Westbrook. Robert discussed his background and his plans for the Park. (Interestingly, his family were owners of the former Warren Nursery in Nicoma Park, which was well known to a number of our members.)
Meeting minutes:
1. Alice S. welcomed Jane Holcombe and her guest, Dee, to our meeting.
2. Treasurer's report — Chris reported a balance in the bank of $1733.14. Chris reported that Linda Connally and Jean Ericson did not renew their memberships due to job conflicts. We are still waiting on several members to renew.
3. Alice S. asked for a motion to approve the minutes for the February 2014 meeting that Jean Calder, recording secretary had distributed by email and at today's meeting. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes.
4. Alice S. reported that Marilyn has sent the registration form for the National Garden Club Convention in Norman. Copies were passed out to interested members. It is also available on-line.
5. Alice S. reminded members that if they are going to the National Weather Service in April to let Mary G. know by April 10th. Car pooling was discussed. It was agreed to meet at Will Rogers Park parking lot by 8:45 AM if you need a ride.
6. Nedra will give a presentation on shade perennials in May.
7. It was noted that the Festival in the Park will be May 31st. Earlene, Cheryl, Beverly, and Alice W. volunteered for the plant table organization. We were reminded to reserve our plant tables with the event organizers. The Late Bloomer cafe' Committee will have a planning meeting at a date to be determined.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:00 p.m. by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
Minutes February 2014
Meeting Minutes - February 18, 2014
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Jean, Ann W., Janice, Golda, Sue, Earlene, Ivy, Marilyn, Sandi, Nedra, and Linda. Guests: Alice Steger's sister-in-law, Marcy Morrow, and Monica Arndt and her friend Becky Hawkins
Location: Meeting and luncheon at Will Rogers Center hosted by Marilyn, Golda, and Janice.
Program: Monica Arndt presented an excellent and informative program and slideshow on herbs and her gardens at Skyridge Farms.
Meeting minutes:
1. Jean, Golda, and Earlene gave a short report on Jane Holcombe's progress. We look forward to the possibility of her attending our March meeting.
2. Treasurer's report - Chris reported a balance in the bank of $1,419.14. Annual dues were collected from a number of our members.
3. Alice S. asked for a motion to approve the minutes for the January 2013 meeting that Jean Calder, recording secretary had distributed by email and at today's meeting. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes.
4. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to schedule a presentation by Monica on medicinal herbs this summer.
5. Alice S. pointed out there was no program scheduled for March. We decided that our members be prepared for a short presentation (approximately 3 minutes) on plans for our Spring gardens and some of the challenges we might face after a hard winter. It was suggested we take a walking tour of Will Rogers Park to see all the recent improvements if time permits. -
6. The hostesses for the pot luck luncheon for March are Ann, Janice, and Alice S.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:00 p.m. by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
Minutes January 2014
Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2014
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Jean, Ann W., Janice, Mary G., Golda, Sue, Earlene, Cheryl, Shirley and Beverly
Location: Meeting and luncheon at Will Rogers Center hosted by Shirley and Mary.
Program: Annie Napier from Integris presented a program on Horticulture Therapy. She gave us hints and advice on safe and and ergonomic practices while gardening. She promised to send email "handouts" to Alice W. for distribution.
Meeting minutes:
1. Several members noted that Andrea, who is new in the office at the Will Rogers Center, has been very helpful.
2. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to send a plant to Jane Holcombe who came back to her home in December.
3. Alice S. read a letter of introduction from Melinda McMillan, Horticulture and Garden Manager for Will Rogers Gardens, Martin Nature Park Center, Bricktown Canal, and Field Horticulture. She was most recently the garden manager for the Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa for 10 years. She has replaced Allan Storjohann.
4. Treasurer's report - Chris reported a balance in the bank of $1379.14.
5. Alice S. asked for a motion to approve the minutes for the November 2013 that Jean Calder, recording secretary had distributed by email and at today's meeting. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes.
6. A sign-up list for the rest of the year was distributed for program organizers. There is a vacant slot for a speaker for February. It was agreed to contact Monica Arndt from the Garden Council to present the program that she will give to the National Council Garden Club Convention to be held in Oklahoma City this Spring.
7. Shirley spoke about the Wings Daycare Facility for adults and children with Down's Syndrome and inquired whether the Late Bloomers would consider a short-term service project at the facility, for example, spring clean-up. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to initiate this project. Shirley will follow-up with the facility.
8. As a Master Gardener, Beverly will contact some of her associates regarding potential programs for the Late Bloomers.
9. Jean volunteered to contact Jane or Pete Holcombe regarding ways the Late Bloomers might assist with gardening or other ways to help..
10. Alice S. reminded Jean to record in the minutes that dues should be paid next month. They continue to be $20 for the year.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:00 p.m. by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
Minutes November 2013
Meeting Minutes - November 19, 2013
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Nedra, Jean, Ann W., Janice, Mary G., Golda, Sandi, Marilyn, Sue, Earlene, Cheryl, Linda, and Beverly Gilmore (guest)
Location: Meeting and Thanksgiving luncheon at Will Rogers Center hosted by Earlene and Jean.
Program: Slides of Ireland and Scotland organized by Jean and Jim Calder were presented. Jean narrated their recent trip. Cheryl Huffman assisted with the PowerPoint presentation.
Meeting minutes:
1. Our guest, Beverly Gilmore who was invited by Earlene, was introduced.
2. Minutes from the September meeting were reviewed, corrected and approved. Correction was made by Marilyn that there was no stove top in the kitchen.
3. Treasurer's report - Chris reported by subsequent email a balance in the bank of $1507.09 after a $500.00 donation was made to the Louis Scott fund.
4. Discussion of the 2014 Late Bloomers cafe' was led by Nedra. The plan was presented by Festival in the Park committee to serve pre-made sandwiches from Homeland, chips, brownies, cookies, and drinks. A motion was made, seconded, and approved.
5. Alice Steger received a thank you note to the Late Bloomers from Lee Gossett (The Butterfly Whisperer). He returned the $25 speakers honorarium.
6. Marilyn Lahr announced that the Garden Council will have an open house on December 7th from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The Late Bloomers plan on having a table at the event.
7. A letter was received from the Oklahoma Community Foundation thanking the Late Bloomers for the $500 donation for the Louis Scott fund.
8. Officers will host the Christmas Party for December 17th. There will be a "Dirty Santa" gift exchange with a maximum of $20 limit.
9. Shirley Tabor will be the hostess for January.
10. It was noted that several members attended Louis Scott's funeral.
11. A hostess sign-up sheet was passed around.
12. Plans are being made for the 2014 National Garden Club Convention to be held in Oklahoma City on April 30 to May 3. This will be the first time this event has been held here.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:50 p.m. by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
Minutes September 2013
Meeting Minutes - September 17, 2013
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Nedra, Jean, Ivy, Ann W., Janice, Sue, Mary G., Shirley, Golda, Sandy, Marilyn
Location:Meeting and pot luck luncheon at Will Rogers Center
Program: Lee Gosset, the Butterfly Whisperer, and wife Debbie. Lee presented an in-depth discussion about butterflies and the plants that attract them. There were many questions and much interest from our members.
Meeting minutes:
1. Minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and approved.
2. Treasurer's report — Chris reported a balance in the bank of $2,143.10. She also reported the debit card was frozen by the bank due to a security breach. There are 37 pairs of gardening gloves left to sell.
3. Discussion of the 2014 Late Bloomers cafe' was tabled until the committee has a chance to meet and make recommendations.
4. Alice Steger will check with Wes Gray at the Parks Department regarding the process for making the donation in memory of Roena Smith.
5. Alice Woodrome reported making the approved Bylaw changes, which were discussed and approved at the last meeting, on the Late Bloomers website.
6. Marilyn Lahr presented a short report on the last Garden Council meeting. She confirmed that the oven at Will Rogers Center would not be replaced in the foreseeable future but we will still have access to the stovetop and microwave. She also reported on the progress of the conservatory building.
7. The Late Bloomers members in attendance voted to contribute $500 to the newly created Louis
Scott Fund for Will Rogers Gardens.
8. Mary Grieme discussed the outing for the October meeting. The Late Bloomers will tour the National Weather Center in Norman. The date of the meeting is moved to Thursday, October 17 at 10 a.m. followed by lunch at the Flying Cow Restaurant. Members need to confirm their attendance to Mary by October 14th.
9. Shirley Tabor is looking for volunteers for the Salvation Army Angel Tree this year.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:50 p.m. by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
Minutes August 2013
Meeting Minutes — August 20, 2013
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Nedra, Earlene, Jean,
Ivy, Ann W., Janice, Sue, Cheryl , Mary G., Shirley, Golda
Location: Meeting and pot luck luncheon at Will Rogers Center
Program: Continuation of the discussion on the successes and challenges of
Summer gardening in Oklahoma. Cheryl Huffman presented a slide presentation on her lovely lawn and garden. Congratulation to Cheryl for having her yard selected as Yard-of-the Month for her section of Windsor Hills.
Alice Woodrome presented pictures of the landscape changes she has made this year that have both simplified and beautified her home.
Meeting minutes:
1. Minutes from the July meeting were reviewed and approved.
2. Treasurer's report — Balance in the bank of $2,110.60. $660.99 was paid out for gardening gloves. $427.00 has been received for gloves sold.
3. Discussion of the 2014 Late Bloomers Café:
a. After much discussion there was a unanimous vote to continue the Café as a service to the Garden Council and attendees at the Garden Festival in the Park.
b. A committee was formed to discuss what to serve at the Café considering the restrictions received by the State Health Department. Nedra, Ann, Chris, Janice, and Jean volunteered to be on the committee and will report back on or before the December meeting.
4. Discussion occurred about ways to honor our recently deceased member, Roena Smith. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to make a donation to Will Rogers Garden. Alice Steger will check with Will Rogers Garden staff regarding the process for making the donation.
5. Changes to the Late Bloomers Garden Club Bylaws were discussed regarding the "Traditions" section:
a. Number 4 was changed to say, "In the case of a DEATH we would send flowers for a club member, a member's parent, spouse, or child."
b. Number 5 was changed to say, "The 'Sunshine' person appointed by the president will send a card and/or plant according to her judgment."
c. A motion was made to adopt each change. The motions were seconded, and passed.
6. Members were encouraged to bring any extra greeting cards to the next meeting for use by the Sunshine Chairman.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
July Minutes 2013
Meeting Minutes — July 16, 2013
Attendees: Sandi, Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Jane, Nedra, Earlene, Jean,
Ivy, Marianna, Ann W., Janice, Sue
Location: Meeting and pot luck luncheon at Will Rogers Center
Program: Sandy Casteel led a great discussion on the successes and challenges of Summer gardening in Oklahoma.
Several individuals discussed their ideas. Chris showed pictures of her garden renovations.
Jane presented pictures of her garden on her iPad. It was agreed for others to discuss this topic at the next meeting.
Meeting minutes:
1. Minutes from the June meeting were reviewed and approved.
2. Treasurer's report — Balance in the bank of $2,344.59.
3. A motion was made, seconded, and approved for the sale of gloves to members for $3.50. Surplus gloves will be sold to non-members for $6.00.
4. Discussion of the 2014 Late Bloomers cafe':
a. Should we have it at all considering the kitchen restrictions of the Will Rogers Center?
b. It was suggested that perishable items be stored in Rubbermaid containers — Chris offered hers.
c. It was suggested that at the August meeting a committee consisting of 4 to 5 members be formed to explore our options.
d. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to form the committee.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned by President Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder,
June Minutes 2013
Meeting Minutes - June 18, 2013
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Linda, Jane, Nedra, Earlene, Jean,
Ivy, Marianna, Cheryl, Mary G.
Meeting Focus: Guided tour of Calvert Plant Interiors on Classen Boulevard
Thanks to Jane Holcombe for organizing this event
We had an enjoyable lunch at the nearby Chili's Restaurant followed by the business meeting.
Meeting minutes:
1. Minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and approved.
2. Treasurer's report - Balance in the bank of $2,373.82. Festival in the Park netted $719.22.
3. Incoming President, Alice Steger, presided at the meeting and presented outgoing President Alice Woodrome with a gift of a decorative lantern as a recognition for her service.
4. Golda Haines has agreed to remain as Chair of the Sunshine Committee.
5. Discussion of 2014 Late Bloomers cafe' was tabled until the July meeting.
6. Marianna visited the Women's Shelter and reported that it is currently being maintained by the residents.
7. Alice Woodrome agreed to continue with on-line communications of meetings, etc.
8. Alice Woodrome reported on the ordering Atlas 370 gardening gloves from Palm Flex. Many of our members have requested gloves. (If 13 dozen are ordered they will be approximately $3.44 a pair.) Any surplus gloves will be sold by our club. A unanimous vote approved purchase of the gloves.
There being no further business to be discussed the meeting was adjourned by Alice Steger.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Calder
Minutes May 2013
May Meeting, May 21, 2013
Only eight Late Bloomers made the May meeting but we had a fine meal and enjoyed the company. Those there were Chris Duffy, Jane Holcombe, Sandy Casteel, Earlene Shaffer, Jean Calder, Barbara Erickson, Janice Timmie and Alice Woodrome.
At our business meeting, we discussed what worked and didn't work so well at the festival this year, with an eye for doing better next year.
All receipts had not been received yet, but it looked like we did a little over $700 profit -- cafe and plant table added together -- nearly as good as last year, but not quite. The plant table made a bit more profit than the cafe, but they were close.
Recommendations resulting from our discussion will be presented at our next meeting.
They are:
•We need to not worry if run out of a particular food item. If we don't buy more food than we can sell it will help to keep expenses down.
•We need to find a chairman early in the year to begin planning, and assemble a committee early, as well.
•Planning needs to start early
•A succinct time-line needs to be crafted so it will be clear what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.
•A list of who has what needs to be made, so people will know without having to ask a bunch of people.
•Ways of maximizing profits need to be found, either by raising prices or keeping expenses down.
It was also suggested that we look into buying more gloves as a fund raiser.
It was wet outside, so we didn't take the informal tour around the gardens at Will Rogers the way we had planned.
We adjourned around 2:PM
Respectfully submitted by
Alice Woodrome in the absence of our secretary.
Minutes April 2013
Meeting Minutes — April 16, 2013
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Linda, Jane, Sue, Sandy, Nedra, Earlene, Jean,
Golda, Ivy, Janice, Donnie, Ann
Meeting Focus: Lunch and Tour of Gardens at National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum
We had a lovely lunch at the Persimmon Hill restaurant and then many in the group enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the beautiful gardens in the museum grounds.
Meeting minutes:
Brief meeting focused on the upcoming Festival in the Park on May 18th at Will Rogers Park.
Sandy passed out sign-up sheets for items to donate for the Garden cafe'.
•Alice W. stated that we need plants potted, labeled and priced. Also passed out posters for the Festival so they can be distributed to friends and family.
•Minutes from March meeting were reviewed and approved.
•Treasurer's report — Balance in the bank of $1,674.60.
•Alice W. passed out directory sheets to review for necessary corrections.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes March 2013
Minutes February 2012
Meeting Minutes - February 19, 2013
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Linda, Shirley, Cheryl, Jane, Mary, Sue, Sandy, Nedra, Earlene, Jean
Meeting Focus: Tour of Trochta's Flowers and Greenhouse
Alice W. thanked Linda, for being our hostesses for this meeting and arranging our visit to Trochta's Flowers and Greenhouse and our delicious lunch at the "West" restaurant.
Additional points of discussion at the meeting were as follows:
•Treasurer's report - Balance in the bank of $1,481.10.
•Chris collected some dues and mentioned that we need to have them all in by our next meeting.
•A vote was taken with regard to the Portland Garden. It was unanimous that we discontinue taking care of it and Alice said she would notify OKC Beautiful and Louis at Will Rogers.
•Sandy mentioned that we need volunteers to do the shopping for the upcoming Festival in the Park. Nedra will bring sign-up sheets to our next meeting.
•Alice W. stated we needed to vote on amending our by-laws to indicate that our Christmas donations would be an exception to Standing Rule 3, "Only projects related to gardening will be financed or supported." The amendment passed.
•Alice W. suggested that we have two tables for the Plant sales area during Festival in the Park. Sandy will add that to our Festival planning list.
•Alice W. notified the membership that we need someone to volunteer to be the Chairperson for a Nominating Committee for new officers to start their new 2-year term in May. Jane, Jean and Earlene volunteered to be on the committee.
•The hostesses for our next meeting are Golda, Marilyn and Janice. Our guest is Monica Arndt who will present "Knot Gardening"
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes January 2013
Meeting Minutes — January 15, 2013
Attendees: Alice W., Karen, Jane, Janice, Ann, Golda, Linda, Carolyn, Marianna, Shirley, Ivy, Cheryl, Mary, Sue, Jean C., Alice S., Earlene, Chris
Meeting Focus: Presentation by Louis Scott, "Pruning Basics"
Alice W. thanked Karen, for being our hostesses for this meeting and arranging for Louis to do the presentation about pruning shrubs. The presentation was very informative and Louis furnished copies of a document he prepared detailing how to prune a variety of shrubs and trees.
Additional points of discussion at the meeting were as follows:
•Treasurer's report — Balance in the bank of $1,506.10
•Two members celebrate their birthdays in January, Shirley & Marianna.
•Brief discussion regarding the Portland Garden and whether we want to continue taking care of it or not. Members were asked to think about it and be prepared to vote on the issue at the February meeting.
•Alice W. mentioned that we need a new updated directory. She and Chris are working on a new format idea. She will keep us posted.
Meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
December Christmas Party 2012
What a grand Christmas party we had. No business meeting... and no program... just good food and fun.
Those who attended were: Alice S., Alice W., Ann, Carolyn, Chris, Donnie, Earlene, Golda, Jane, Janice, Jean C., Karen M., Marianna, Mary G., Nedra, Sandy, Shirley, Sue, Cheryl,
The officers hosted it. Alice S. did an outstanding job of decorating the tables, Chris roasted the best turkey ever, and Ann did a superlative job of seeing to details of the service. Alice W. had the fun job of overseeing the games. We had nineteen members attend, all decked out in Christmas attire. Everyone seemed to enjoying themselves.
The food was absolutely wonderful. The Late Bloomers sure know how to cook!
Of course, we had the usual dirty Santa gift exchange, with some spirited "stealing," but before that we played a new game... a Christmas trivia competition that everyone seemed to enjoy. As more than one person commented, it was fun, if not completely fair :-)
Minutes November 2012
Meeting Minutes - November 13, 2012
Attendees: Alice W., Chris, Alice S., Sandy, Nedra, Ann W., Linda, Jane, Sue, Earlene, Jean C, Golda, Ivy, Jean E., Barbara Erickson, Marianna and Carolyn
Meeting Focus: Growing Herbs in the Home Garden
Alice W. thanked Earlene and Jean C., for being our hostesses for this meeting and arranging for their friend, Ann, to do the presentation about herbs. The presentation was very informative and the presenter was knowledgeable and engaging.
Additional points of discussion at the meeting were as follows:
• Treasurer's report - Balance in the bank of $2425.05
•Sandy passed out Festival Garden information for the members to review. She requested the members read through the information and let her know any changes that need to be made.
• Sandy said she is still working on the plans for the Portland Garden.
• The members voted to spend a total of $700.00 for charitable donations for Christmas. Nominations were submitted. After the vote it was decided that $500 would go the Food Bank and $200.00 to Salvation Army for the Angel Tree Project. It was expected that there will be a matching donation for the Food Bank.
• Anyone interested in the Council Cook Book needs to contact Golda. The price is $15.00.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes October 2012
Meeting Minutes — October 16, 2012
Attendees: Alice S., Sandy, Nedra, Ann W., Linda, Jane, Sue, Earlene, Jean, Cheryl, Donnie and Carolyn
Meeting Focus: The Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch — Arcadia, OK
Those present met at POPS on Route 66 in Arcadia for lunch and then went to the pumpkin patch. We had a very cool day but the sun was shining and it was good to get out for fresh air. We enjoyed the hay ride, the animals, picking out our free mini-pumpkins and the beautiful Fall colors. We did take a few moments to have a short club business meeting:
Points of discussion at the meeting were as follows:
•Treasurer's report — Balance in the bank of $2,454.05.
•Sandy has agree to Chair the Festival cafe' again this year. She will be bring to the next meeting, an outline of Committees she feels will be a benefit toward making the cafe' project as organized and efficient as possible.
•Sandy also mentioned that she has the Color Guard Yucca and will be putting together a plan to plant it and do some additional landscaping at the Portland garden.
•The next meeting will be on November 13th — meeting one week earlier due to Thanksgiving.
Meeting adjourned at 1:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
October Council Meeting
October12, 2012
The meeting of the Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs, Inc was called to order by President Donny Murray at 10:10 AM with the reading of the Gardner's Creed and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Donny also thanked the hostesses, The Herbal Society.
Tis Bohlman read the minutes which were approved as read.
The Treasurers report was presented by Marilyn Lahr and was filed for audit. See attached report.
There were no committee or officers reports.
June Hardy reminded everyone about the plant sale October 13 from 8am until 1pm. Set up will be this afternoon and saturday morning.
The Christmas Tree open house will be December 15 and the Tree will be decorated on the 14th. The clubs will have tables and there will be a children's decoration work shop.
Monica Arndt introduced todays speaker Janetta Cooper, from the department of Agriculture. She gave a slide show and talk "Plants, Pests and Pervasive- Not all aliens are from outer space"
The being no old or new business door prizes were given out and the meeting was adjourned at 11:15am
Respectfully submitted,
Tis Bohlman ,Secretary
Minutes September 2012
Meeting Minutes — September 18, 2012
Attendees: Alice W., Chris, Alice S., Sandy, Nedra, Golda, Ann W., Linda, Jane, Sue, Shirley, Earlene, Karen, Ivy, and Janice
Meeting Focus: Tour of Oklahoma Flower Market by Mark Ericson, one of their designers
Mark treated us to a visit in the cooler where the fresh flowers are kept and introduced us to new colors and varieties. We were then able to browse through some of the warehouse. We then watched while Mark "built" 3 arrangements, explaining some design ideas and techniques. Thank you to Shirley and Mary Grieme for arranging this tour.
We then went to the Boulevard Cafeteria for lunch and our general business meeting.
Points of discussion at the meeting were as follows:
•Two new members, Cheryl Huffman and Linda Connally! Welcome ladies!
•Minutes from August 21st were read and approved.
•Karen Martin will be the hostess for January, 2013. We have hostess/hostesses signed up through June. Alice W. expressed that if we sign up in pairs, we need to consider signing up more than once to make sure we have each month covered.
•October 1st is still open on our Portland gardening list. Sandy said she is still trying to get the Color Guard Yucca for the garden
•Women's Shelter is looking pretty good. They seem to be taking some responsibility for watering, etc.
•Treasurer's report — Balance in the bank of $2,479.05.
•We did not have a nomination for the Festival Café Chairperson. Further discussion was tabled until our next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 1:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes August 2012
Meeting Minutes - August 21, 2012
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Sandy, Nedra, Donnie, Golda, Ann W., Jean C., Linda, Barbara, Jean E., Jane, Karen Napier (friend of Jean's) Marianna, Sue, Earlene and Cheryl
Meeting Focus: Sandy and Nedra - Presentation on Succulents and Water Wise Gardening
We had a very nice pot luck lunch followed by Sandy's and Nedra's presentation. They brought some handouts and discussed some things that have been tried to help us save our gardens from the extreme heat and drought. A list, created by those present, was made of plants that have survived well in our gardens under the harsh conditions. The presentation was informative and we also had a drawing for some cactus starts that Sandy provided. Thank you Sandy and Nedra!
The presentation was followed by a general business meeting, as detailed below.
•Alice passed out the weeding sign up sheet for the Portland garden, thanking all those who have participated thus far. This effort has kept the garden looking good this summer.
•No new information on the Women's shelter garden.
•We still need a hostess for the January, 2013 meeting.
•Treasurer's report - Balance in the bank of $2,454.05.
Sandy mentioned that we need to start thinking about our plans for the Garden Festival next year. We need to nominate/elect a Chairperson that can begin getting the details planned. We will discuss this further at our next meeting.
Donnie brought magazines, book markers and calendars to share with the club.
Golda reminded us that we need to keep her advised of any of our club members that we need to remember with get well, sympathy, thinking of you, etc. cards from the club.
Meeting adjourned at 1:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes, July 2012
Meeting Minutes - July 17, 2012
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Ann W., Jean C., Carolyn, Linda Connally, Marianna, Karen, Sue, Earlene and Jean's guest, Cheryl Huffman
Meeting Focus: Alice W.'s Presentation, "Daylilies - the Near Perfect Perennial"
We had a very nice pot luck lunch and brief meeting, as detailed below. After the meeting, Alice W. presented a beautifully prepared pictorial about daylilies. Accompanying the photographs was a lot of good information about planting and caring for daylilies. Thank you, Alice!
•Alice passed out the weeding sign up sheet for the Portland garden and the monthly hosting sheet.
•The Portland garden is in good shape. Sandy reported to Alice that she has been unable to get the "Color Guard" yuccas this year and that we will try again next year. No other plans were made regarding plants for the garden.
•Treasurer's report - Balance in the bank of $2,454.05.
•Earlene confirmed her email address is iesok@cox.net
•Meeting adjourned at 12:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes, June 2012
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Ann W., Donnie, Golda, Janice, Jean C., Sandy, Carolyn, Jane and her granddaughter, Sue, Pat Ward, and guest, Linda Connally.
Meeting Focus: Visit to Sue Week's Garden and lunch at Jimmy's Egg.
We had a lovely tour of Sue's garden and saw a variety of plants and shrubs. We also had an opportunity to visit Aubry's, her husband, wood shop and see some of the items he makes from wood and metal.
We then went to Jimmy's Egg for lunch and to continue our meeting. Alice sent an email to each of us outlining our time there and the items discussed (excerpts below)
We had a fun meeting today. We convened first at Sue Week's garden Her garden is lovely. All Sue's hard work certainly shows. -- Thank you, Sue. There were fifteen of us in attendance, including a guest, Linda Connally, who learned about our club at the Festival.
We had a nice lunch at Jimmy's Egg on 39th after the garden tour. They gave us a section to ourselves, so we could have a business meeting. We passed out a summary of how we did at the festival this year, plus the recommendations for next year's festival hammered out by those who attended the special "post mortem" meeting last Friday.
We passed out a sign-up sheet for weeding the Portland garden, and several signed up... but not enough.... I know some of you that were not there will want to take your turn, so please let me know.... We need all those who are able to take at least one week. It hasn't been taking long at all... less than an hour.
We also passed out a sign-up sheet for hostess/program duties for our regular meetings for the next year. I appreciate very much everyone who graciously took a month. Months still open are October, ... February 2013, and June 2013. If you have not signed up yet, please let me know what month you can take. No one took July either, but time is getting short, so I will be taking next month.... We will meet at Will Rogers. Details will be on the website when they are available.
Comparison of 2011 and 2012 Garden Festival gross income & profits
| 2011 | | 2012 |
Cafe Sales | 699.75 | | 751.03 |
Expenses | 183.87 | | 365.26 |
taxes | 58.60 | | 67.87 |
profit | 457.28 | | 385.77 |
Plant table sales | 318.66 | | 436.70 |
taxes | 26.69 | | 36.19 |
profit | 291.97 | | 400.51 |
total festival profits | 749.25 | | 786.28 |
Recommendations to be made for the 2013 Garden Festival as decided at the official Meeting ( held June 15) to evaluate the success of the 2012 Garden Festival Cafe and Plant Table.
• Members will only be asked to bring cookies and brownies.... but....
•Make a list of items we will be buying, so if any member wants to volunteer to furnish the item, it can be noted on the list. Items not spoken for will be bought with treasury monies.
•No peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on menu. (Hardly any sold)
•During the festival, after a certain time, say 1 or 2 PM, if we run out, we run out. No running to the store in the last hour or two of the festival.
•Old menus will not be held over to the next year to be accidentally mixed in with the new ones. There are bound to be changes from year to year, and it is not that hard to print up the number we need.
•A better inventory of what we have on hand needs to be made so we don't run out of supplies like forks, napkins, cups, etc.
•We will limit the drinks to raspberry tea, lemonade, diet and regular coke (mostly diet) and water.
•Big bills over $20 will not be accepted early in the day.
•Make less sloppy job... perhaps a third less.
•We should have a list in the kitchen of the equipment people bring (a sign-in sheet as it is brought), and if possible people should label their equipment, so when it is over, it will be easy to get everything to the right person. It's been suggested since that perhaps cafe committee might predetermine at a planning meeting who should be in charge of taking home such things as the table cloths, flag, etc
•prices will be raised to $5 a plate (sandwich, potato salad, brownie or cookie) and drinks will remain $1. Brownies or cookies will sell for $1 singly and sandwiches will sell for $4.00 singly.
It was noted that things ran much more smoothly in the cafe this year. The system of dividing up responsibilities so people aren't running around trying to do everything worked very well. Preparation went more smoothly, as well.
The plant table was only discussed briefly primarily because it worked so well this year, and made up for the disappointing cafe profits.
We would like to thank all those who took a leadership responsibility for this year's festival, and all those who donated and worked so hard to make it a success.
•Treasurer's report: Balance in the bank of $2,534.43.
•Alice W. read thank you card received from Ivy.
Alice Steger
Minutes May 2012
May Meeting of Late Bloomers Garden Club
We did not have a regular business meeting at the May meeting. We met at Tony's Tree Plantation, and enjoyed the beautiful environment as we ate our sack lunches and desserts brought by our hostesses, Alice Steger and Ivy Reisman.
Click below to read the Minutes of the May 2012 Meeting of the Oklahoma City Garden Club Council
Minutes April 2012
Meeting Minutes — April 17, 2012
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Ann W., Donnie, Earlene, Hazel (Earlene's friend), Golda, Janice, Jean C., Ivy, Mary G., Marianna, Sandy, Nedra, Carolyn (+ two friends), Jane, Karen, Shirley and Sue
Meeting Focus: Presentation by Louis Scott — Community Beautification
Louis supplied a handout, "Community Beautification", and focused his presentation on landscaping in public area. He had a great slide show that gave examples of good and not so good public landscaping.
Business meeting started at 1:30
• Alice W. expressed thanks to: Carolyn and her two visitors who assisted in hosting this lunch and meeting.
• April Birthdays — Carolyn & Jane
• Meeting Minutes - March meeting minutes were read and approved.
• Treasurer's report — Balance in the bank of $1,753.15.
• Portland Garden Report — Sandy indicated that we will not need as much plant material as she originally though because of the use of more rocks and the signage that is there now. Said she is having trouble finding the red yucca's but will continue to look for them. Alice W. stressed that we need to sign up for weeding and passed out a sign up sheet. We can also sign up on the form in the web site.
• Festival In the Park — Sandy and Nedra passed out volunteer sign up sheets. Sandy said the details are falling into place. Donnie brought empty pots for use at the Festival. Alice W. stressed that we need lots of plants since the Festival is earlier this year and people will likely want to buy more. Jean Calder will be putting up flyers in businesses all over town. Louis brought a plant to use as a door prize at the meeting but it was decided to sell it at the Festival.
• Next Month - Ivy and Alice S. will be hostesses for May and will make arrangements for a road trip to Tony's Tree Plantation. Details will be forthcoming.
• Miscellaneous News — (Withheld from online minutes by request)
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Click below to read the OGC Newsletter, Spring 2012
Minutes March 2012
Louis supplied a handout, "Water Saving Landscapes for Homeowners", and focused his presentation on plant material and landscaping for draught conditions. He also mentioned that the agriculture forecast for this summer is the same as last year — hot and dry. Louis indicated that plants go into respiratory distress at consistent temperatures of 86 degrees and higher. He recommended that those with Bermuda grass work toward sustaining a height of 3 inches in order to allow the grass to "take care of itself" and not require as much watering. Another tip offered was that in normal conditions established lawns and plants need an average of 1 inch of water per week. New plant material needs more frequent watering. He suggested the best gauge is to stick your finger into the soil to see how far down the moisture goes. These tips and many more are found in his handout. He also had a great slide presentation showing lots of great ideas for landscaping.
Business meeting started at 1:45
• Alice W. expressed thanks to: Marilyn, Golda and Sherry for hosting the meeting, and to everyone for submitting their I.C.E. information.
• Minutes from February, 2012, meeting were read and approved.
• Treasurer's report: Balance in the bank of $1,658.15. Gloves are all sold and we have 3 aprons left.
• Portland Garden Report — Sandy has been working with Louis on plans for the garden and gave details about the plant material to be used. Golda mentioned that she still has large rocks for use in the garden and she and Sandy will coordinate plans for them to be delivered to the garden. Sandy will have another update at our April meeting.
• Donnie reported that plants are needed for the April 14th plant sale at WRP.
• Festival In the Park — Sandy, Nedra and Karen passed out volunteer sign up sheets and the sheets will be available again next month. Late Bloomers will have an advertising pedestal at the Festival displaying details about the club.
Carolyn is the hostess for April.
Ivy and Alice S. will be hostesses for May and will make arrangements for a road trip to Tony's Tree Plantation. Details will be given at the April meeting.
• Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Click below to read minutes from Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs March 2012 meeting
Minutes February 2012
Meeting Minutes — February 21, 2012
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Donnie, Earlene, Golda, Janice, Jean C.,
Mary G., Sandy, Nedra, Ann W., Carolyn, Shirley and Ivy.
Meeting Focus: Making Placemats by Chris Duffy
Chris taught us a creative and fun way to make placements using construction paper and pictures from gardening magazines. Chris will have them laminated and we can use them for our Late Bloomer luncheons. Thanks, Chris!
• Alice W. expressed thanks to: Chris for hosting the meeting; Golda for sending the flowers to John Waddell's funeral; Golda for the fun Mardi Gras beads.
• Alice acknowledged two January birthdays, Ann and Sandy.
• Minutes from January, 2012 meeting were read and approved.
• Sandy mentioned that Hugh and Jennifer Stout are talking about moving their business to Tahlequah.
• Sandy also reported that the WRP crew did a cleanup in the Portland bed. She will be working on some plans for design in that bed and present them at the March meeting.
• Treasurer's report: Balance in the bank of $1,537.53.
• Shirley and Carolyn reported that the Women's Shelter is looking good and may call for a word day there, soon.
• Sandy said we have 3 Late Bloomer aprons left.
• Donnie mentioned the upcoming North Central Spring Convention on March 15th at the Marland Mansion. Golda has registration forms. Those interested should contact Margaret Biggs no later than March 10th. Call her at 728-0198. Margaret is hoping to fill a charter bus for this road trip.
• Alice W. mentioned that we need to start making plans for Festival in the Park and suggested that we form a committee. Sandy agreed to host an organizing meeting. Those who agreed to work in the committee are Sandy, Marilyn, Janice, Chris, Alice S., Earlene, Carolyn, Nedra, Golda, Sherry and Ann W. (A meeting has since been made for March 6th at 10 am at Sandy's home).
• Alice W. passed out flyers for the Spring Convention and the Oklahoma Gardening Club. Sandy also mentioned that Felder Rushing would be doing a presentation at the Zoo on February 26th.
• Alice W. mentioned it would be nice to add "in case of emergency" info for each member in our directory. A motion to do that was made and seconded. Members are to contact Alice S. with the information.
• Donnie mentioned that she is in charge of volunteers for the Festival in the Park and that arrangements will be made to get certificates they can use for a meal in the Garden Cafe.
• It was mentioned that Marianna will be moving and a volunteer is needed for the Legacy Garden at WRP.
• Meeting was adjourned at 1:30
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Click below to read minutes from Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs February 2012 meeting
Minutes January 2012
Meeting Minutes — January 17, 2012
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Chris, Donnie, Earlene, Golda, Jane, Janice, Jean C.,
Marilyn, Mary G., Sue, Pat Ward, Karen, and Ivy.
Meeting Focus: Presentation by Hugh & Jennifer Stout — Stout Gardens
"Iris Highlights Plus, 2011 - From Oklahoma City to St. Jo to Victoria"
Hugh had a beautiful slide show of the different irises he and Jennifer saw while visiting in Oregon and British Columbia. It was beautifully presented and he said they would have more of the same in their new catalog.
• Alice W. expressed thanks to Donnie, Marilyn and Pat, our hostesses. Thanks also to those who helped host the Garden Council meeting. Alice said that it was really great and the help was appreciated. Also, thank you to Marilyn, Donnie, Golda, Ann & Janice for their contributions to the Christmas Tree event. Thank you to Marilyn for preparing the nice Late Bloomers bulletin/fact sheet with general information about the club. It will be a great tool to give to potential members.
• Alice W. showed those present, the Certificate of Appreciation given to Late Bloomers from Will Rogers Garden Center.
• Sandy wasn't present, but sent information regarding the Portland garden and the new signage that has been installed. All agreed that the timing was good since we will be making planting and design decisions soon. No new information with regard to the Women's Shelter.
• Treasurer's report: Balance in the bank of $1,574.18. $300.00 was donated to the Food Bank in December and is reflected in the current balance.
• Our Latebloomers.org domain name has been renewed.
• By unanimous vote, it was decided that we will no longer do the Secret Sister gifting for birthdays.
• New 2011/2012 Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs, Inc., directories were distributed.
• Carolyn was not present but had given Alice W. a roll of tickets (for door prizes) that she had purchased at a cost of $13.00. It was decided that she will be reimbursed and the tickets will be donated to the Council.
• Information regarding the Spring Convention in Ada will be forthcoming.
• Donnie will work on details regarding a possible trip to the Dallas Arboretum.
• Alice W. mentioned that club dues are due in February. There was discussion regarding how the dues are disbursed. Of the $15.00, the club nets $4.50 after the required amounts are given to the OKC, District, State and National Councils. After considerable conversation and a suggestion that the dues be increased to offset the rising costs of supplies and other items for the Festival in the park, it was determined to raise the dues to $20.00, by majority vote. This will be an increase of $.42/month per member. The new dues amount will be effective in February.
• The meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Click below to read minutes from Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs January 2012 meeting
Click below to read minutes from 2011-2013 Board of Directors' Fall Meeting of National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Click below to read minutes from Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs December meeting
Click below to read minutes from Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs November meeting
Meeting Minutes - November 15, 2011
Attendees: Members: Alice W., Alice S., Ann, Barbara E., Chris, Daphna, Donnie, Earlene, Golda, Jane, Janice, Jean C., Jean E., Marilyn , Marianna, Mary, Nedra, Sandy, Sherry, Shirley, and Sue.
Visitor: Pat Ward
Meeting Focus: Presentation about bulbs by Rick Thomas from Horn Seed
• Thank you to Jean C. and Earlene, who were our hostesses and decorated the meeting room in fall colors. Each person there brought one of their favorite recipes to share. The food was great!
• Our presenter, Rick Thomas from Horn Seed, gave a great presentation on different types of bulbs and his suggestions for when and how they should be planted. He gave us lots of good information and brought bulbs to give away. Rick feels it is too early to plant bulbs right now. He said we should wait until we have about 10 - 14 days of freezing temps before we plant them. He included a demonstration on the proper way to plant paper whites. He also mentioned that bulbs look prettier and do better when planted in clusters rather than in straight lines. It was an enjoyable and informative presentation.
• Alice W. opened the business meeting by thanking Jean and Earlene for hosting the meeting this month.
• Jean introduced our visitor, Pat Ward whom Jean met at Jane's home during the Heritage Hills Homes and Gardens Tour.
• Sandy said she will do some grooming to the Portland garden the weekend following our meeting. After the holidays, she and Shirley will focus on new design ideas. She appreciates all the help in keeping it maintained.
• The Women's Shelter has a new watering system and they are keeping the beds watered and the trash picked up.
• Treasurer's report: Balance in the bank of $1,884.13.
• Chris Duffy will be the hostess for our February, 2012 meeting.
• Donnie announced the following activities to be hosted by the OC Council of Garden Clubs: Dec. 8th - Ornament making, Dec. 9th - Tree decorating and Dec. 10th will be the Open House and Christmas Tree Event.
• Sandy said we have 4 aprons left. Chris said we still have some large and small gloves.
• Alice W. reported that she has sent in the annual report to council, paid our rent for the following year to Will Rogers, and sent a requested history of the Late Bloomers to the council historian. The history can be viewed in the Web site by going to www.late-bloomers.org.
• The club decided to donate $300.00 to the OKC Food Bank. Chris will watch for 'matching' opportunities and will plan to send the donation when one is available.
• The club officers, Alice W., Chris, Ann & Alice S., will be the hostesses for our December Christmas luncheon and party.
• The meeting adjourned at 2:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes October 2011
Meeting Minutes — October 18, 2011
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Carolyn, Chris, Daphna (Jane's sister), Earlene, Jane, Jean C, Karen, Marilyn and her daughter, Glenda, Marianna, Nedra, Sandy, Shirley, Sue,
Meeting Focus: Field Trip to Myriad Gardens
Karen Martin arranged for the members to be treated to a wonderful guided tour of the Myriad Gardens, led by Allan Storjohann. Allan guided all of us through the park pointing our all of the new landscaping and construction, which is truly beautiful. Many of us also toured the Crystal Bridge which has been restored and rearranged and is also beautiful.
We then made our way to the Paseo Grill for lunch. The meals were delicious! Thanks again to Karen for making the arrangements.
Alice W. opened the business meeting by thanking Karen for hosting the meeting this month. Alice prepared an "October Meeting of Late Bloomers Garden Club" which served as our agenda. Please let Alice W. know if you don't have a copy.
Thanks to those who worked at the Women's Shelter on September 27th.
Happy Birthday to Karen!
Minutes from the meeting in September can be viewed in the web site.
Treasurer's report: Balance in the bank of $2,059.41 (before rent for 2012).
We still need volunteers to take the program/hostess job for February 2012, June 2012, and months from August through December of 2012. June, September & October are field trip dates.
Jean Calder and Earlene Shaffer will be hostesses for the November 15th meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Click here to read the October Council Minutes
Click here to read minutes from the Oklahoma State Board Meeting
Minutes September 2011
Meeting Minutes – September 20, 2011
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Carolyn, Chris, Earlene, Janice, Karen, Marianna, Nedra, Sandy, Sherry, Sue, and Louis Scott
Meeting Focus: How to Attract Birds to Your Garden
Members enjoyed a great pot luck lunch followed by Janice Timmie's presentation regarding attracting/feeding birds in your garden. Janice gave each of us a pamphlet from Lowe's, "Wild Bird Feeding Guide" and another from Scotts, "Essentials for Attracting Wild Birds". She also gave us a handout of "Seed Preferences of Common Backyard Birds". An important piece of information she shared was that the birds will really need our help this winter because the drought has affected the seed production. Thank you Janice for an interesting presentation!
Sandy brought a variety of items for a drawing and most participants were able to choose two items! Thank you Sandy for your generosity!
Alice W. opened the business meeting by thanking Janice for hosting the meeting this month and presenting the program. Thank you was also expressed for all those who have been working in the Portland Garden. There are still work day openings on the Web site calendar. Reminder to everyone to report their volunteer hours to the office.
No news to report for the Women's Shelter project.
There were no birthdays to acknowledge.
Minutes from the meeting on August 16th, were read and approved.
Chris submitted the Treasurer's report.
Marianna notified the club that she will be moving to Washington, DC. We are sad that she is moving. She is in our prayers.
October program will be a trip to the new Myriad Gardens. Details to follow soon.
Meeting adjourned at 1:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Click here to read the September Council Minutes
Minutes August 2011
Meeting Minutes - August 16, 2011
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Ann, Barbara, Carolyn, Chris, Daphna Ward (Jane's sister) Donnie, Earlene, Golda, Ivy, Jane, Janice, Jean C., Karen, Marianna, Marilyn, Sandy, Sherry, Shirley, Sue, and Louis Scott
Meeting Focus: Allan Storjohann's presentation of plants that grow well in extremely hot and dry temperatures.
Those attending enjoyed a delicious salad pot luck lunch with a special birthday cake supplied by Shirley to honor our August birthdays. Followed by an interesting presentation by Allan Storjohann. Allan showed pictures of flowers, shrubs and trees that do well in hot, dry locations. He had wonderful shots taken in the Dallas Arboretum, Will Rogers Park and even his own home. He called attention to combinations of color and size that worked well together. We all enjoyed the presentation. He also gave us a handout, "Water Wise Gardening."
Alice W. opened the business meeting by thanking Shirley for hosting the meeting this month and those who have been working at the Portland garden this summer, weeding and pruning.
Jane introduced her sister, Daphna Ward, who has recently moved to Oklahoma City.
Two birthdays were acknowledged: Sherry and Sue.
Thank you card from Shirley was passed around for all to see.
Minutes from meeting on July 19th meeting, were read and approved.
Sandy and Shirley have agreed to Co-chair the Portland garden project. Allan and Louis have agreed to work with them on landscaping ideas. Carolyn mentioned that Louis recently did a presentation on landscaping public spaces and he said he would be happy to share the information with interested parties.
Carolyn has volunteered to work with Shirley and Marianna on the YWCA Women's shelter.
Marilyn stated that all information from the Garden Council meetings will be emailed to our members.
Anita Burger has moved and a new page for the directory was made available.
Fran Whitton's email box is full but she is working on getting it emptied.
Jane and Daphna will be hostesses for our February meeting. Janice will host the September meeting. Still need hostess/es for the December meeting. (It has since been determined that the club officers will be hostesses for the December meeting.)
Chris submitted the Treasurer's report.
Meeting adjourned at 2:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes July 2011
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Carolyn, Chris, Donnie, Earlene, Ivy, Janice, Jean C., Marianna, Sandy, Sherry, Shirlene, Shirley and Sue
Meeting Focus: Food Ark – Seed Savers' Exchange presented by Sandy Casteel
Those attending enjoyed a delicious pot luck lunch with a special treat of home-made strawberry pies courtesy of Earlene. Followed by a very interesting presentation by Sandy regarding the National Geographic article about the Food Ark and Seed Savers' Exchange. The program can help keep foods from becoming extinct and Sandy had lots of good information and visuals. Thank you, Sandy for your hard work and good presentation!
Alice W. opened the business meeting by thanking those who have been working at the Portland garden this summer, weeding and pruning.
Several birthdays were acknowledged: Chris Duffy, Janice Timmie & Jean Calder – Happy Birthday Ladies!
Shirley Tabor was presented with a gift to thank her for her previous contributions as Past President.
Minutes from meeting on June 21st, were read and approved.
Chris submitted the Treasurer's report and gave us an update on our glove sales. Chris stated that we are now in the "green"! All glove sales from now on will be profit for our club. Way to go ladies!
The Portland garden and ideas for its future contents and design, were discussed and many members made suggestions. It was decided that we will have a planning/deciding meeting in February where the suggestions would be compiled and reviewed.
No new information regarding the Women's Shelter.
Shirley said she spoke with Mary Grieme and she misses her Late Bloomer friends.
We have received word that the Festival in the Garden next year will be on May 19th. That was our number one choice!
Shirley will host the August meeting. We still need someone to host in February.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes June 2011
JUNE 21, 2011
Attendees: Alice W., Alice S., Carolyn, Chris, Earlene, Ivy, Jane, Janis T., Jean C., Jean E., Marianna, Nedra, Sandy, Sherry, and Sue
Meeting Focus: "Gardening Trials & Errors" — Alice Steger's home
Those attending enjoyed lunch supplied by Alice S. and her mother, Marjorie Moore along with a "tour" of Alice's garden.
Alice W. opened the meeting by thanking those who worked at the Festival in the Park and Sandy for organizing and driving our ladies on our recent trip to Red Rock Canyon and the Sunshine Nursery.
Alice also notified us that Shirley Tabor will be having foot surgery and that she had experienced some deaths in her family recently. She said that Shirley said she will be with us at our July meeting.
Marilyn was on vacation.
Minutes from meeting on May 17, 2011, we read and motions were made and approved to accept them.
Chris submitted the Treasurer's report and gave us an update on our glove sales. We have 59 pair left to sell and the proceeds will be total profit for the club
We discussed the needs of the Portland garden and members signed up to doing cleaning and weeding for the next 4 weeks through July 18th.
Discussing regarding the YWCA project. Not getting cooperation from them to water the beds. No decisions made regarding this project.
Sandy reported that we have 5 aprons left and she will hang on to them for future needs.
Festival Review and Discussion:
Need more wheat bread
Need more chicken salad
Desserts with nuts need to be wrapped in different color
Need a bigger sign for lunch room
Need a "No admittance" sign for the door into the kitchen
Suggestion made to put our logo on any signage
Need to talk to the Garden Council about not giving away food, but using the vouchers instead.
Janice will bring her food processor to chop the celery
Need bring chopping boards & sharp knives
Need to get our posters sooner
It was mentioned that vendors who sell earthworms, home garden products, honey, etc., should be invited to participate
Alice W. received a survey from the Garden Council regarding having the Festival on a different date. Members made suggestions and voted on the following dates:
1st choice May 19
2nd choice May 5
3rd choice May 12
Volunteers signed up to host the September (Janice T.) and April (Carolyn) meetings. We still need hostesses for August and February.
Discussion regarding the need for some protocol guidelines for road trips such as:
5 day notice of cancellation or will have to pay any fees involved.
If the trip expenses resulted in overages, $15 & over will be put in the club treasury and under $15 will go to the driver.
Seating is first come, first served.
Seating is for members first. If there are seats left, can then invite guests.
Members are invited to make any further suggestions to be discussed at the next meeting.
Members discussed some trial and error experiences. Most were focused on making sure your soil is prepared and proper for the material you will be planting.
Chris shared that she learned why spacing the plants properly is important so they are not too crowded.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Minutes May 2011
MAY 17, 2011
Attendees: Marianna, Sandy, Donnie, Ann, Alice W., Chris, Jean C., Earlene, Ivy, Marilyn, Golda, Sherry, and Alice S.
Visitor: Nedra
Meeting Focus: Festival in the Park Organization
Alice W. opened the meeting by having each of us sign Shirley's card.
Alice W. passed out new forms, "Take Home Reminders". Thanks, Alice!
Discussion about signing up to host future meetings. Need to sign up so we don't pay for months we don't use the meeting room at Will Rogers Park Center. The form was passed around.
Marilyn was appointed as Council liaison.
Golda will be the Sunshine representative and will send cards and/or flowers for illness or bereavement situations.
Alice S. presented Ivy with her birthday present.
Ivy presented the Treasurers report.
Sandy brought 12 aprons for those who hadn't gotten their apron yet. She will coordinate with Chris on who has or has not paid.
We need to schedule a cleanup day at the Portland corner garden.
Leslie will make sure it is watered as Louis has originally planned.
Alice W. expressed thanks to all the former officers.
Chris and Ann brought pots for use at the Festival.
Sandy suggested we might consider taking a day trip to Red Rock Canyon and Sunshine Nursery, in Clinton. She will get more information together for us.
Sign up sheet for the plant table and food preparation for the Festival, was passed around.
Members need to pot and price their plants.
The pickles and regular iced tea have been removed from the menu.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Steger
Click here to read the May Council Minutes
Minutes April 2011
April 19, 2011
Oklahoma City Zoo
10:30 am
Hostesses: Ann W & Sue W
12 members present, one guest
As you can see in Alice W’s and Chris’s pictures (on the Late Bloomers web site – late-bloomers.org > Pictures > Photobucket Album) the zoo was beautiful and we had a great time. It was a good outing! We missed all who were not able to make it.
Thank you Ann and Sue for planning this day for us!!
Marilyn L
Minutes March 2011
Members present 19
Guest 1, Gloria Stewart, who became a member
Program: "Ch-ch-ch-chive Talkin' – Boosting health and flavor in your cooking using easy-to-grow garden herbs"
Speaker: Jean Erickson, Member
Birthdays recognized for March:
Alice W – birthday sister Marianna Anderson
Earlene S – birthday sister, Chris D
Carol R – birthday sister, Mary G (actual birthday in April)
Mary G – birthday sister, Golda H (actual birthday in November)
Earlene Shaffer is having a birthday Celebration (hosted by her daughter) and all club members have been
invited to help her celebrate:
Date: Friday, March 25th – Time: "Come and Go" from 9:30 to noon – Place: Ranger Home at 717 NW 39th Street (39th and Shartel)
Ann W and Sue W are the April 20th hostesses and we will be going to the OKC zoo
New Business:
Donnie M had movies in her car to give away
Chris D had garden items to give away that were given to her – she also had new sheets for the directory
Alice W had gloves to sale to members
Sandy had pamphlets for each member of the Oklahoma Proven Oklahoma plants
Sandy had information about the new aprons – we will be paying the LB treasurer for them
Sandy said "Finley Catering" will be the caterer of the NCD Convention and the deposit has been sent in
Garden Cleanup at 36th and Portland will be Monday, March 28th at 10:00 – Alice S chair
Late Bloomers will be the Hostesses for the April 8th Council meeting.
Carol R will be the Chair and will call everyone to get it organized.
Sandy will furnish the center piece.
Marianna, Golda and Ann will bring door prizes
Slate of new officers are for the next two years starting in May:
President: Alice W
Vice President: Ann W
Secretary: Alice S
Treasurer: Chris D
Golda H and Janice T furnished the cake for the "Going Away Party for Mary"
Minutes February 15, 2011
16 in Attendance, including one visitor, Jean Calder . . . who joined our club today.
Louis Scott was not available to give our program today
We discussed the Council Convention and fund raising contributions.
OSU offering gardening session and seed swap in Norman & OKC. Shirley Tabor has details.
Oklahoma Beautiful — sent us a letter acknowledging that we are again going to adopt the 36th & Portland Garden.
March Late Bloomers meeting — Jean Erickson is the hostess and Shirley Tabor will call Jean to remind her. We do NOT at the present time have the Will Rogers reserved for that meeting.
Discussed having "Wild Birds" come and have a program for us OR we could go there for an outing.
Ivy Reisman gave us a treasurer's report
Donny, Sandy, Ann and Alice W. volunteered to serve on the nominating committee for our officers for next year.
Sandy Casteel reported on the meal we are planning for the Annual Garden Meeting on March 30th. We have a caterer picked out and the menu.
Sandy Casteel also reported on APRONS that the committee decided to have made for those who serve at that March 30th meal.
Sandy has several vendors she's working with to get the best price/value on those aprons
The Aprons themselves cost $4 each. The setup is approx $75 and the worst case scenario on the embroidering is $15 each. It will be less per apron if we order more than 12 aprons.
Others wanted aprons also to be used at our plant sale and Cafè. It was discussed and we voted to order 25 initially.
Sandy also suggested that we might consider volunteering as a group at "My Sister's Closet". It is for the benefit of battered women.
It was discussed about when and to who we send flowers.
We voted and it was decided that in the case of a DEATH, we would send flowers for a club member's parent, spouse or child.
The "Sunshine" person will continue to send a card, but other members are encouraged to also send cards for members who are sick.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM.
Minutes January 11, 2011
14 members present
1 visitor – Caroline
1 past member Pearl C
We had our pot club luncheon. WONDERFUL AS USUAL
Leslie J — Volunteer Coordinator of Will Rogers Garden Exhibition Building spoke on Plant Hunters along with a power point program. First of all, as she knew everyone would want to know, she gave an update on Louis. He has had his second treatment and is trying to be at work part time everyday.
As Leslie could not accept a speaker's free we have made a donation to the Oklahoma City Margaret Annis Boys Arboretum that is at Will Rogers Park.
Leslie also informed us that this is the 75th anniversary of the Will Rogers Park naming by the Park and Recreation Department – named after Will Rogers after his death. Next year 2012, is the anniversary of the Parks Department buying this land for it to become an Oklahoma City park.
It is decided that Late Bloomers Garden Club will be caring for the garden at 36th and Portland this coming year.
We had a drawing for our Secret Birthday sisters.
Donnie Murray will have the February 15th meeting and she will be bringing a cake for dessert in celebration of Valentines.
We are reminded that our yearly dues also need to be paid in February – that total is $15.00.
Treasurer report was read by Ivy Reisman.
Sandy suggests that the club members ought to take a road trip to see the Bustani Plant Farm in Stillwater.
Flyers for the Orchid Show, sponsored by the Viola Garden Club, were passed out. The show will be held at Will Rogers Center April 16 – 17.
A flyer of the flower show that will be held at the Garden Festival of the Park, June 11, by the Oklahoma Flower Show Judges and Herb Society was passed around.
The Late Bloomers voted on a committee to get a caterer for the North Central District Convention that will be held at Will Rogers March 30 at Will Rogers. Chris Duffy, Donnie Murray and Sandy Casteel offered to help with this project.
We gave Marianna a big "Thank You" for helping George get the Christmas present from Late Bloomers. The gift of time does not have a price on it and she spent several hours helping him pick out what he needed and wanted. I doubt if he ever forgets her for that precious gift.
Meeting adjourned!
Marilyn L
Minutes December 2010
Late Bloomers meet today at 1:00 pm at Will Rogers with 16 members in attendance. We missed those that were not able to attend.
Hostesses: Shirley, Ivy, Mary G and Marilyn
Of course we always start out with a wonderful meal furnished by all members.
We had a short business meeting — starting with the discussion of the garden at 36th and Portland. Shirley found out that the wild "cucumber" vine that is in our garden is very invasive and difficult to get rid of. The only solution is Round Up and to be very faithful about applying it when the vine starts growing again in the spring — it will most certainly take over if we don't.
Late Bloomers sent a poinsettia to Karen and we read the "Thank You" card that she so promptly wrote to us.
We will be drawing names for the birthdays next month for those that would like to participate, please let Shirley know in case you can not make it to the next meeting and you want to have your name in the pot — Alice W will be reminding us about that next month before the meeting.
We made a motion and it passed for Alice W to make a web site just for Late Bloomers. It will be very informative and something we will all be very proud of — it will be a very useful tool.
If you would like to send Louis a card his address is: (withheld-ask Marilyn). He is out of the hospital and will try to work part time starting next week.
After all of the business we went to the fun part — the Dirty Santa Game!!
See you next month!!
Minutes November 2010
Meeting opened with a prayer given by Earlene. We had pot luck for lunch provided by all members. As always wonderful food. Thank you ladies!!
Fourteen members were in attendance.
The business meeting was next with Shirley thanking Alice W for the email notices to the club members and all of the wonderful pictures she has send out of our activities. She thanked Alice S. for her organizing the clean up of the garden on 36th and Portland. She thanked Ivy for sending out "thinking of you cards" to several members. She reminded all of us that it is every member's responsibility to care for the garden as it is a club project. Shirley will buy some Preen weed preventer and sprinkle it around the garden.
It was decided after much discussion to spend $200.00 for our Christmas project on George V, Marianna will handle this matter.
Everything for the Garden Festival in the Park will stay the same but if you know of a vender and have a contact for them please let the Garden Festival Chairman know. Monica A would be more then willing to hear your request — her phone numbers are: (withheld - ask Marilyn). It is very difficult to change the date of the Festival at this late date as it is on many calendars already.
The next meeting will be our Christmas luncheon on Thursday, December 16 at 1:00 pm at Will Rogers. It will be pot luck with Shirley bringing a ham and Marilyn will bake a small turkey. We will play the Dirty Santa game and our limit of spending will be $20.00.
Alice W gave the program "Planting with seeds" with member's participating. She handed out a questioner with nine questions, which were:
Why do you grow flowers from seeds?
Where do you get your seeds?
What are some flower seeds you have grown successfully in Oklahoma?
How and when do you collect store your seeds?
Why do you start some seeds in pots?
Do you have any tips for when you are using pots?
Why do you sow some seeds directly in the garden?
Do you have any tips for sowing directly in the garden?
Do you know any general tips for growing plants from seeds?
Meeting was adjourned!
Marilyn L