Oklahoma City Council of Garden Clubs, Inc
May 11, 2012
The meeting of the Oklahoma City Council of Garden clubs was called to order at 10:10 AM by President, Donny Murray with recitation of the Gardner’s Creed and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Monica Arndt presented a lively and interesting program on President and Future Herb Uses. She recommended HOW TO EAT A ROSE by Jim Long for additional information.
Donny thanked the Iris Society for hosting the meeting.
June Hardy introduced Red Foster, past president of the Oklahoma Iris Society.
Tis Bohlman read the minutes which were approved as corrected.
Treasurer Marilyn Lahr presented the Treasurers report. The new balance was ******* . The attached report was filed for Audit.
Standing Committee -no reports.
Festival in the Park committee chairman April Pratt informed the group that the City printed the flyers which will be given out at the meeting to be distributed by the members to as many places as possible to advertise the Festival.
There will be 18 vendors and 5 clubs selling plants and wears. 8 clubs and societies will have education booths.
Members and vendors are urged to park across the street after downloading goods.
The festival will be from 9AM until 3PM.
June Hardy announced the exhibits, Iris show, and Orchid Society Table will be inside.
There was no unfinished business.
April announced the Amaryllis Garden Club has presented a Power Point Projector to the Council.
It will be kept in the office and available for check out through Louis. They also gave a $1000.00 scholarship to an OSU/OKC Horticulture student.
Marilyn Lahr announced the Viola Club furnished the Helium for the Children’s Room balloons.
Diana Treat conducted a memorial service for deceased Members.
The drawing for door prizes occurred. The Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 followed by a covered dish luncheon.
Respectfully submitted
Tis Bohlman, Secretary