January 13, 2012
Members of the late Bloomers Garden Club were thanked for hosting the meeting.
Monica Arndt introduced Tracy Payton, Horticulturist, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service of Cleveland County. She gave the program on Backyard Gardening.
The minutes were Approved as corrected.
Treasurer Marilyn Lahr reported an ending balance as of November 30 of $6373.99 (see attached report)
Donnie Murray announced that Allen Storjahan, from the Myriad Gardens had donated ten Books to The Garden Center. She also thanked April Pratt for getting the Year Books printed.
There were no reports of communications or officers.
Standing Committee
June Hardy stated the Judges Council will not meet until March and won't be able to discuss supporting a flower show until then. Marilyn Lahr made a motion the club accept the offer of the Rose Society to do their show at that time. Golda Haines seconded, the motion carried. If someone in the future wants to do the show at that time, they will take it up with the Rose Society.
Unfinished Business- none
New Business
Sibyl Brian made a motion that an announcement be made at the beginning of each meeting to silence your cell phone. Karen Brian made the second. The motion carried.
The group was also asked to curb conversation until after the meeting
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned after door prizes were given out at 11:17am.
Respectfully submitted
Tis Bohlman, secretary