DECEMBER 9, 2011
The meeting of the Oklahoma City Council of Garden clubs was called to order at 10:14 a.m. At the Will Rogers Garden Center, with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the Gardner's Creed.
The hostesses, Viola Garden Club, were thanked.
Monica Arndt introduced Master Gardner Ann Michalski, who gave the program on overwintering plants by making a "horticulture hotel" in your home.
The minutes were Approved as read.
Treasurer Marilyn Lahr reported an ending balance as of November 30 of $6616.10 (see attached report)
Donnie Murray announced the yearbooks will be printed and available at the next meeting, however they will not have a cover this year.
There were no reports of communications, officers or standing committees.
June Hardy advised the tables for the Christmas Show could not be set up until tomorrow morning and the doors will be unlocked at 8:30 am so the various clubs can set up their tables. The tables must be set up by 1:00 pm. The show will be 1:00pm to 3:pm.
Clara Bishop reported that the fate of the show during festival in the park is still undecided.
Pat Morell reminded the group again to save pimento jars, large and small.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 after the door prizes were given out.
Respectfully submitted,
Tis Bohlman, Secretary